Annual Reviews
This piece is a user guide for parents or caregivers in the Contra County of California. The contents are highlighting substance use and mental health issues among teenagers. I am the sole designer and work collaboratively with the Contra Costa Education Department. My goal was to make the content not feel so heavy (even though it is) as well as making it a piece they can reference for years to come. The guide is also available in Spanish.
Welcome!! My favorite way a piece should begin. This look book is a guide to all new gap students who are participating with Global Citizen Year. I enjoyed choosing the photographs and pull quotes from students and family members. This was a wonderful guide to create and is still one of my favorites to look at.
For this piece I created an entire icon system as well as way finding map system for the readers. This booklet had a lot of content to organize in a way that didn’t get bogged down. I tried to use more visual information (icons and illustrations) to drive the message (through color, grid system and simplicity).
Working on this project I can still remember all the bar graphs,
t-charts and pie graphs I had to sift through. I wanted the data to be easily interprupted by the viewer. I broke the information into sections based on content, created visual rests, and simplified verbiage. This piece was distributed all througout Oakland, CA and was showcased at a large gala event. I continued to work with Urban Strategies for many year on their YIR publications.